Young people wake up & get ready for an exciting day!
Daily Schedule

Wake Up & Get Ready

A choice of cereals, yoghurts and fruit as well as the delicious freshly cooked hot breakfast.

The Elective Challenge
Young people go to their chosen elective challenge

Back to the dining hall to fill up on some delicious food for lunch.

Siesta is a chance to relax or hang out with friends

The Team Challenge
Time to take on a challenge with your team!

Siesta 2
Siesta is a chance to relax or hang out with friends

Mmmmm...dinner and dessert!

The Event Challenge
Everyone gather for our epic special events!

Free Time
Chance to hang out with friends

Debrief the day - time to discuss the day as a group

Ready for Bed & Night Time Snack
Time to have a shower, have a snack and get ready for bed

Time to head to your rooms and get some well-earned sleep!