#6 Learn how to be in a high-performing team

Being part of a high-performing team is really important in the modern world! At The Teen Leadership Challenge, young people are placed in teams of 10 young people from the UK and around the world.
Each team will have two dedicated staff who are responsible for each team. They will work closely with each team on the following:
We support the team from day one to make sure everyone feels part of the team, makes friends and finds their place in the team. We do a lot of group games and get-to-know-you games to ensure everyone feels comfortable and ready to take any some epic challenges.
We make sure young people know how to communicate effectively in a team - how to handle difficult situations, how to raise issues, how to put your opinion forward, how to listen to others and how to work with others towards a shared goal.
Team leader
Each young person will be given the chance to be a Team Leader for the day. They will be supported by our staff and will help the team that day know the plan, run some team-building games and help debrief the day.
A critical way each young person and team will learn & develop leadership skills is through debriefing each day. Understanding what they have learnt, what they need to work on and how to take on the next challenge is a really important way for young people to develop their leadership skills.
Positive Role Models
Young people will learn through the mentorship of our staff. They will be positive role models for young people and form strong relationships with the young people.